In 2017 Dr. Sergei Magonov conducted consulting work on Advanced AFM Applications for Keysight Technologies.  He has performed a series of measurements together with Dr. Shijie Wu (Keysight) in different AFM fields with Keysight 9500 scanning probe microscope. The results of these studies are summarized in nine Application Notes:

1. Comprehensive Atomic Force Microscopy with Keysight 9500 Scanning Probe Microscope
2. Atomic Force Microscopy of Heterogeneous Materials in Different Environments
3. Nano-mechanical Studies in Atomic Force Microscopy
4. AFM Study of Structural Organization of Liquid Crystalline Oligomer
5. Atomic Force Microscopy Studies of Materials in Different Vapor Environments
6. Adopting Fast Imaging in Atomic Force Microscopy
7. Using AFM and Nanoindentation Techniques for Comprehensive Nanomechanical Analysis of Materials
8. Studying Thermal Transitions of Materials Using Quick Scan Technology in Atomic Force Microscopy
9. AFM-Based Characterization of Electric Properties of Soft Materials

Several of the most exciting results are overviewed below in the document “Advancing AFM Applications”. 

SPM Labs Activities

Perfecting AFM Images with Digital Surf’s Mountains Platform

Presentation and analysis of AFM images are essential features of sample characterization and the use of specialized software is quite helpful in this respect. Our long-time experience with Digital Surf’s Mountains (TM) software shows that this is the right tool for image treatment and several examples are presented in the Application Brief “From the Image Folder of an AFM Practitioner”.  

SPM Labs and AppNano Collaboration

​​In ongoing cooperation with AppNano – the world recognized manufacturer of AFM probes we have analyzed their Si and Si3N4 probes with the DCC accessory and performed a verification of the high quality of these probes by imaging various samples. Some of the results are included in the document “Evaluation of AFM Probe Features and Their Imaging Capabilities“

Consulting Keysight Technologies on AFM Applications